School Administration

Ownership: Travstar, LLC

Director: Sarah Kobeski

Bookkeeper: Stephanie Caruso

Marketing Leader: Megan Harris

Admissions Leader: Rico Rangel

Financial Services: Lily Gregory

Future Professional Advisor: Anick Weed

Education Leader: Sarah Kobeski


Grant Stead
Learning Leader - Full Time
Cosmetology and Barber Instructor
License #- CI-285444 and BI-289533

Cassie Jeffres
Learning Leader - Full Time
Cosmetology Instructor
License #- CI-254227

Jill Foss
Learning Leader - Part Time
Cosmetology Instructor
License #- CI-246137

Kerri Ivie
Learning Leader - Full Time
Esthetics Instructor
License #- CI-245438

Amy Vandervoot
Learning Leader - Full Time
Cosmetology and Nail Technology Instructor
License #- CI-236450

Kathy Fontana
Learning Leader - Full Time
Cosmetology and Barber Instructor
License #- CI-292538

The school enrolls student instructors, the student instructors provide supervised training and instruction to students enrolled in the cosmetology program